JavaScript Animations
Written By: Avinash Malhotra
Updated on
JavaScript Animate function is used to add animations to DOM Elements. It is a client-side API to create animations in javascript. animate functions can add animation to elements like fade-in, fade-out, show and hide, slide up, slide down (like jQuery animations) etc. We can also add duration, delay, easing, iterations, direction and callback function to animate function.
Earlier jQuery was used to add animations to webpage. But now JavaScript support build-in API for animations support in major browsers.
const elem=document.querySelector('h1');
elem.animate( keyframes, options );
Javascript animate() method is used to add animations to DOM Elements in javascript. animate function can add animations to css properties with numeric values, like width, height, opacity, left, top etc. It is not applicable to string values like display, font-family etc.
animate() function has two parameters, first an array of keyframes objects or an keyframe object with properties in array. second is timer in milliseconds or options. Both of the arguments are compulsory.
The first parameter of animate method is keyframes. keyframes are written using array or object. For keyframe array, the elements are objects with properties and values. For key keyframes object, the property has values in array. options are also required in animations, but we can also use time in milliseconds in option.
animate with keyframe array
const elem=document.querySelector('span');
const elem=document.querySelector('span');
animate with keyframe object
const elem=document.querySelector('span');
const elem=document.querySelector('span');
options are either timing in milliseconds or object containing multiple properties like duration, easing etc. options are also compulsory like keyframes. Without options, animation duration will be considered zero.
options values
property | values |
duration | milliseconds |
delay | milliseconds |
fill | "none" ( default ), "backward", "forward", "both" |
iterations | number or Infinity |
direction | normal, reverse, alternate, alternate-reverse |
easing | linear (default), ease, ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out, cubic-bezier() |
option with duration
const elem=document.querySelector('span');
option with object
const elem=document.querySelector('span');
{duration:1000, iterations:2}
option with easing
const elem=document.querySelector('span');
{duration:1000, iterations:Infinity, easing:'ease-in-out'}
Events can be added after animation is over using Event Listener Method. Supported events are "cancel", "finish" and "remove".
events in animate function
Events | application |
cancel | cancel animation |
finish | after animation finished |
remove | remove animation |
Without finish event
This div will not hide after animation
const elem=document.querySelector('div');
With finish event
This div will hide after animation
const elem=document.querySelector('div');