Javascript Arrays
Written By: Avinash Malhotra
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Arrays in JavaScript
JavaScript Arrays are List Type Objects used to store multiple data in a single variable and perform operations on them. Arrays are list-type objects under Reference data types in JavaScript. They are build-in objects to store multiple or collection data, like a ordered list in HTML.
Arrays are indexed collections in javascript, whereas objects are key-value paired collection.
In JavaScript, Arrays can store multiple data of any datatype in a single variable, like two strings and one number. But in strictly typed programming languages, Arrays can store only single datatype. This means, in JavaScript, arrays can store any type of data. A JavaScript Array can store both string, number or any other datatype in same array.

How to declare Array in JavaScript
Array in JavaScript can be declared using brackets [] (literal) or new Array() constructor. Both [] and new Array() works same. new Array() is constructor form, and brackets [] is literal form of Array declaration.
Array Literal
const month=[]; // Array
Array Constructor
const month=new Array(); // Array
All arrays declared using []
or new Array()
are instance of Array Class or Function. The typeof Array
is Object in JavaScript as array are objects build using new keyword.
or new Array()==new Array()
is always false in javascript.
The reason is both left and right sided are a new instance. That's why they are not same.
Check Array datatype
Arrays are Reference data types. typeof operator will return "object". To check datatype of a arrays, use Array.isArray() function or method. Array.isArray() function will determine whether the passed value is an Array or not.
const x=[];
typeof x; // return "object"
Array.isArray(x); // return true
Traversal values of array
To check element inside array, we can call array followed by index value in brackets. To find first element, call array[0]. This index notation starts from 0 to array.length-1.
const days=["sun","mon","tues"];
days[0]; return "sun";
days[1]; return "mon";
days[2]; return "tues";
days[3]; return undefined; is also used to traversal array. accept integer argument and return the element at that index. Argument can be both positive, negative or zero.
const days=["sun","mon","tues"];
console.log( )
const days=["sun","mon","tues"];
console.log( )
array.length property is used to check total numbers of elements inside array. Default length is zero, for an empty array. For a non empty Array, array.length is positive number.
const x=[];
const y=["jan","feb","mar"];
x.length; return 0;
y.length; return 3;
In JavaScript, Array length is mutable. This means, we can manually change length of an array. If default length is 3, and we assign array.length=5, new length of array will be 5 with two undefined.
let days=["sun","mon","tues"];
days.length; //return 3
days.length; //return 5
days //return ["sun","mon","tues",,] 2 empty
days.length; //return 6
days //return ["sun","mon","tues",,,] 3 empty
Array Methods
In JavaScript, Arrays are used to store multiple data inside single variable. Arrays have properties are methods. Array.length is Array property. Now we will discuss array methods.
array.sort() will sort the order an array. This will change Alphabetical order of an array. array.sort() will also change order of an array permanently.
["fri", "mon", "sat", "sun", "thurs", "tues", "wed"]
const days=["sun","mon","tues","wed","thurs","fri","sat"];
sort method will also sort numeric array in alphabetical order.
const i=[1,3,10,2,20];
Sort numeric array
To sort numeric array, pass a callback function in sort method. There are two arguments in callback a and b. a is first element and b is second. If the return value a-b is position, the elements will be swapped.
const i=[1,3,10,2,20];
function srt(a,b){ return a-b };
console.log(i); //return [1,2,3,10,20];
Sort using ES6 way
const i=[1,3,10,2,20];
Array.toSorted() introduced in JS2023 (ES14) sort the array elements and return a new array, but does not change actual array. Array.sort() sort the actual array. Array.toSorted() is recommended where we actually don't want to sort actual array.
const arr=[1,3,10,2,20];
const sort=i.toSorted((a,b)=>a-b);
array.reverse() method is used to reverse an array. this will bring last element to first and first element to last.
["sat", "fri", "thurs", "wed", "tues", "mon", "sun"]
const days=["sun","mon","tues","wed","thurs","fri","sat"];
Array.toReversed() reverse the array elements and return a new array, but Array.reverse() reverse the actual array. Array.toReversed() is recommended where we actually don't want to reverse array.
const arr=[1,3,10,2,20];
const reverse=i.toReversed();
array.indexOf() method is used to check index of first element in array.
const days=["sun","mon","tues","wed","thurs","fri","sat"];
days.indexOf("sun"); // return 0
days.indexOf("sat"); // return 6
days.indexOf("SUN"); // return -1
use array.lastIndexOf() to check last index of an element in array.
array.shift() method is used to remove first element from an array. This will reduce array length by 1 as first element is removed.
const days=["sun","mon","tues"];
days.shift(); // return "sun"
console.log(days); //return ["mon","tues"]
array.unshift() method is used to add first element in an array. This will increase array length by 1 as one element is added on zero index.
const days=["sun","mon","tues"];
days.unshift("DAYS"); // return 4
console.log(days); //return ["DAYS","sun","mon","tues"]
array.pop() method is used to remove last element from an array. This will also decrease array length by 1 as last element is removed .
const days=["sun","mon","tues"];
days.pop(); // return "tues"
days; //return ["sun","mon"]
array.push() method is used to add an element in array at last position. This will also increase array length by 1 as one element is added.
const days=["sun","mon","tues"];
days.push("wed"); // return 4
days; //return ["sun","mon","tues","wed"]
array.splice() method is used to add or remove n number of elements from an array at any position. This will also increase or decrease array length by n as n elements are added or removed.
const days=["sun","mon","tues"];
days.splice(0,1); // remove 1 element from 0 index
days // return ["mon","tues"];
days.splice(1,1); // remove 1 element from 1 index
days // return ["sun","tues"];
days.splice(0,2); // remove 2 element from 0 index
days // return ["tues"];
days.splice(0,0,"days"); // add 1 element at 0 index
days // return ["days","sun","mon","tues"];
days.splice(0,1,"days"); // add 1 element by removing element at 0 index
days // return ["days","mon","tues"];
pop, push, shift, unshift and splice methods can manipulate array data.
Array.with method change value of given index and returns a new array. with does not change actual array, instead return a new array with replaced value at given index.
const x=["sun","mon","tues"];
const y=x.with(1,"MON");
array.slice() method is used to slice a single element or multiple elements from array. This will not change actual array. slice can return single element if parameter passed is single. For two parameter(x,y), slice can return y-x elements.
const days=["sun","mon","tues"];
days.slice(0); return ["sun","mon","tues"];
days.slice(1); return [mon","tues"];
days.slice(2); return ["tues"];
days.slice(1,3); return ["mon","tues"];
array.join() method is used to convert an array to string with all elements inside array, separated by commas. To change default separator from commas to any other character by passing that inside parenthesis.
const days=["sun","mon","tues"];
days.join(); return "sun,mon,tues";
days.join(":"); return "sun:mon:tues";
days.join("-"); return "sun-mon-tues";
array.concat() method is used to merge or concat an array to another array. After join, we will get a new array.
const days1=["sun","mon","tues"];
const days2=["wed","thurs","fri","sat"];
const days=days1.concat(days2);
days; // return ["sun","mon","tues","wed","thurs","fri","sat"]
concat using es6 spread operator ...
In ES6, we can also use spread operator, i.e ...
to concat array elements.
const days1=["sun","mon","tues"];
const days2=["wed","thurs","fri","sat"];
const days=[...days1,...days2];
days; // return ["sun","mon","tues","wed","thurs","fri","sat"]
flat method
Array.flat() method create a new array from existing nested arrays upto specific depth.
const arr1=[1,2,3,[4,5]];
const arr2=arr1.flat();
console.log(arr2); // [1,2,3,4,5]
flat depth
we can optionally pass depth parameter in flat method to specify how deep the nested array should flattened.
const arr1=[1,2,3,[[4,5]]];
const arr2=arr1.flat();
console.log(arr2); // [1,2,3,[4,5]]
const arr3=arr1.flat(2);
console.log(arr3); // [1,2,3,4,5]
Advance Array Methods
Here are some advanced array methods used in javascript arrays.
Map method create a new array from existing array. The new array will take input from existing array and but with different output. An callback function is required in map method with parameter to iterate each element.
Imagine we have a create a array with double the value.
const arr=[1,2,3];
const arr=[1,2,3,4];
Array.reduce() method reduce the array into a single value by passing callback function. For example, we can use reduce method to sum all elements in an array.
Sum using reduce method
const arr=[1,2,3,4];
const red=arr.reduce((i,j)=>{ return i+j});
Multiply using reduce method
const arr=[1,2,3,4];
const red=arr.reduce((i,j)=>{ return i*j});
Array.filter method creates a new arrays with filtered data passed in callback. We can use filter method to filter even numbers, odd numbers, multiple of 10 etc, or strings.
Filter strings by length
["tues", "thurs"]
const days=["sun","mon","tues","wed","thurs","fri","sat"];
const filter=days.filter( i => i.length>=4 );
Filter numbers greater than
[1,3,5,7,9].filter(i=> i>3 );
Filter Even numbers
[10,3,4,9,22].filter(i=> i%2==0 );
Array.find method returns first match element in given array based on condition. This method will iterate over array and return first matched element.
[1,3,5,7,9].find(i => i>=5 );
[1,13,5,17,9].find(i => i<5 );
Array.findIndex method returns index of first match element in given array based on condition. This method will iterate over array and return first matched element.
[1,3,5,7,9].findIndex(i => i>=5 );
[1,13,5,17,9].findIndex(i => i>=15 );
Array.fill method fill array elements with a static value. We can also set start index and end index using 2nd and 3rd parameters.
[1,3,5,7,9].fill( 0 );
[1,3,5,7,9].fill( 0,2 );
[1,3,5,7,9].fill( 0,2,4 );
Array.some method test whether at least one element in given array fulfill test condition in callback. The possible output are true
or false
[1,3,5,7,9].some( i=> i>=10 );
[1,3,5,7,9].some( i=> i%2==0 );
[1,3,5,7,9].some( i=> i%5==0 );
Array.every method test whether all elements in given array fulfill test condition in callback. This will also returns true
or false
[1,3,5,7,9].every( i=> i<10 );
[1,3,5,7,9].every( i=> i%2!=0 );
[1,3,5,7,9].every( i=> i%5==0 );
Array like Objects
In JavaScript, there are both Array and Arrays-like Object. Here is a list of some array-like objects in javascript. Arrays-like Objects behave like array and both length property and indexing, but the datatype is not array.
Array like Objects example
- document.images
- document.getElementsByTagName
- document.getElementsByClassName
- document.getElementsByName
- document.querySelectorAll
- strings
datatype of array-like objects
const obj=document.querySelectorAll('p');
console.log(typeof obj); // object
console.log(Array.isArray(obj)); // false
To convert Array like Objects to Arrays , use Array.from() method in ES6.
const obj=document.querySelectorAll('p');
const arr=Array.from(obj);
console.log(Array.isArray(obj)); // false
console.log(Array.isArray(arr)); // true
String to Array
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
const str="abcd";
const arr=Array.from(str);
Iterate Array
There are various ways to iterate over an array in JavaScript. Here is list of arrays method and loops available for array data iteration.
forEach method is used to get all elements in array one by one without using loop. A callback function is added as a parameter in forEach.
Get all elements from array using forEach
const days=["sun","mon","tues","wed","thurs","fri","sat"];
Get all elements with index from array using forEach
sun 0
mon 1
tues 2
wed 3
thurs 4
fri 5
sat 6
const days=["sun","mon","tues","wed","thurs","fri","sat"];
For in loop Array
For in loop is also used for arrays to get each element one by one. The advantage of for in over simple for loop is that for in loop require variable initialization and array name. Increment is not required. See example
const days=["sun","mon","tues","wed","thurs","fri","sat"];
for( let i in days){
console.log(i); // index
console.log(days[i]); // element
For of Loop Array
forEach method is best for traversal of arrays as the value of i in callback function is each element. For in loop is also good, but to get elements, we have to use array[i]. Now we have forEach features in for loop using For of.
For of loop in ES6 returns array element, instead of index.
const days=["sun","mon","tues","wed","thurs","fri","sat"];
for( let i of days){
console.log(i); // element
Bind array data is select dropdown
const days=["sun","mon","tues","wed","thurs","fri","sat"];
for( let i of days){
document.querySelector("select").innerHTML+=`<option> ${i} </option>`;
Multidimensional Array
Multidimensional Array means an Array inside another array or an array of arrays. We can store n numbers of arrays inside array.
let students=[["g1","g2","g3"],["b1","b2","b3","b4"]];
students.length; // 2 arrays in array
students[0]; // first array in students
students[1]; // second array in students
students[0].length // 3
students[1].length // 4
students[0][0]; // "g1"
students[0][1]; // "g2"
students[0][2]; // "g3"
students[1][0]; // "b1"
students[1][1]; // "b2"
students[1][2]; // "b3"
students[1][3]; // "b4"
Bind 2d array in table
const data=[["g1","g2","g3","g4"],["b1","b2","b3","b4"]];
for( let i of data){
let tr = document.createElement("tr");
for( let j of i){
tr.innerHTML+="<td>"+ j+"</td>";
JavaScript Arrays Video
For Video tutorial, please visit youtube channel or click link below.
JavaScript Arrays Video Tutorial Advance Arrays Tutorial Tech Altum Tutorial