Geolocation API
Written By: Avinash Malhotra
Updated on
JavaScript Geolocation or HTML5 Geolocation API is used client side API to get user Physical Location using geographical position or GPS Location by Device location Sensors. Geolocation will return coordinates like, latitude, longitude and accuracy. If device supports Barometer Sensor, then we can also get altitude and altitude accuracy. For moving devices, we can also get direction and speed.
Earlier IP based location was used, but now Geo Location is more popular as it is more accurate. As Geolocation is related to user privacy, first browser will grant your permission.
Geolocation Permission
Getting user physical location comes under user privacy. HTML5 Geolocation API will always grant permission from the user to check geolocation. If a user allows, geolocation will work, else geolocation will be blocked.
Once Geolocation is allowed, the browser will save this, and allow geolocation every time user visit same website, or for one day in safari. However a user can block geolocation of same website in browser settings.
Geolocation Permission Popup
To allow geolocation access, we need to give permission to both browser and website. Their will be notification for allow geolocation just below URL bar.

Check Geolocation
Geolocation is supported on https protocol & HTML5 Based browsers only. However for development purpose, chrome allows geolocation in file protocol and localhost, i.e ( IE 8 and below doesn't support HTML5 Geolocation API.
For Production purpose, use https protocol.
if(navigator.geolocation) {
alert("geolocation supported")
alert("geolocation not supported")
Geolocation Methods
There are three methods of navigator.geolocation object to get, watch and clear geolocation. You need to give permission to allow web browser to trace geolocation from operating syatem.
Get Geolocation
To get geolocation, use navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition() function. This function can have one or two parameters. These parameters are callback functions for success or error.
First parameter is callback function which will invoke if geolocation is allowed.
Second parameter is another callback function which will invoke if geolocation is not allowed or an error occurs.
getCurrentPosition with success callback
getCurrentPosition with both success and error callback
Success Callback
Success Callback returns GeolocationPosition. The GeolocationPosition Object includes coordinates of geolocation. There is also another property called timestamp which returns time when location is available.
GeolocationPosition {coords: GeolocationCoordinates, timestamp: 1697952365680}
Coords object includes coordinates. Coordinates are defined in Latitude and Longitude. There is also accuracy property of coordinates.
GeolocationCoordinates {latitude: 28.7825303, longitude: 77.3528988, altitude: null, accuracy: 13.243, altitudeAccuracy: null, …}
Coordinates Properties
The first callback function (success) will have a parameter (exp positions). positions is having a property coords
. Now positions.coords
will call geolocation properties. Here are some properties of geolocation coords.
Latitude is degree North or South from Equator. For Northern Hemisphere, latitude is always positive and for Southern Hemisphere its negative from 0 to 90 degree.
Longitude is degree East or West from Equator. For Western Hemisphere, longitude is always positive and for Eastern Hemisphere its negative from 0 to 180 degree.
Accuracy is accuracy in meters for Longitude and latitude.
Altitude is altitude in meters from sea level or null.
Altitude Accuracy
Altitude Accuracy is accuracy in meters for altitude or null.
Property | Value |
latitude | in °deg |
longitude | in °deg |
altitude | in meter |
accuracy | in meter |
altitudeAccuracy | in meter |
Geolocation Example
Get Geo LocationProperty | Value |
latitude | |
longitude | |
accuracy | |
altitude | |
altitudeAccuracy |
function success(pos){
const lat=pos.coords.latitude;
const lon=pos.coords.longitude;
const acc=pos.coords.accuracy;
console.log(`Latitude is ${lat}, longitude is ${lon} and accuracy is ${acc}`);
function error(err){
console.warn("Error " + err.message);
Watch Position
For a moving devices, the properties will change. Even if accuracy changes after some time, we cannot get the new properties in getCurrentPosition method.
To resolve this, use navigator.geolocation.watchPosition() method. This method is used same like navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition() method. See example
Property | Value |
Latitude | |
Longitude | |
Accuracy | |
Altitude | |
Altitude Accuracy | |
Heading (in deg, 0 for north) | |
Speed ( in m/s) |
function success(positions){
const lat=positions.coords.latitude;
const lon=positions.coords.longitude;
const acc=positions.coords.accuracy;
const alt=positions.coords.altitude;
const altAcc=positions.coords.altitudeAccuracy;
const head=positions.coords.heading;
const speed=positions.coords.speed;
console.log("Latitude is " + lat+ ", longitude is "+ lon + " and accuracy is " + acc );
Clear Watch
clearWatch method of navigator.geolocation is used to clear watching geolocation by browser. To do this, we have to pass an argument in clearWatch method.
// start watch
const geo=navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(success);
function success(positions){
const lat=positions.coords.latitude;
const lon=positions.coords.longitude;
const acc=positions.coords.accuracy;
// clear watch
Weather Api
In this example, we will learn how to check local Weather using geolocation api. I am using free api for Weather updates.
To get Free API Key, login to and register for free.
function done(x){
let lat=x.coords.latitude;
let lon=x.coords.longitude;
let apiKey="abcdefgh1234";
function error(x){
Google Map Direction API
We all have used google direction in Google maps. Let create the same Direction API using HTML5 Geolocation and Google Maps.
<button onclick="getLocation()"> Get Direction </button>
function getLocation(){
function showPosition(position)
let lat=position.coords.latitude; // latitude position
let lon=position.coords.longitude; // longitude position
let acc=position.coords.accuracy; // longitude accuracy in meters"" + lat + "," + lon + "/Tech+Altum, +Noida,+Uttar+Pradesh+201301,+India/@28.585731,77.1751928,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x390ce45eed7c8971:0xcbb6c33c43ba8f02!2m2!1d77.313203!2d28.582582");
function showError(error)
alert("User denied the request for Geolocation.")
alert("Location information is unavailable.")
case error.TIMEOUT:
alert("The request to get user location timed out.")
case error.UNKNOWN_ERROR:
alert("An unknown error occurred.")
- HTML5 Geolocation is not supported in IE 8 and below.
- Geolocation is not permitted on http protocol now. Make sure your site is using SSL certificate, i.e, https
- For accuracy, turn on device location sensors or GPS.