Marquee Tag

HTML Marquee Tag is a non standard element used to scroll text, image or any content from left to right, right to left, bottom to top and top to bottom directions. We can also control marquee speed, direction , scrolldelay and Stop or start marquee on mouseover and mouseout using marquee attributes.

To use marquee in Html5, use CSS3 Animations

Marquee Tag Example

This is a marquee in html

<marquee> This is a marquee </marquee>

Marquee Attributes

  1. Direction
  2. Behavior
  3. Scrollamount
  4. Scrolldelay

Marquee Javascript events

  1. Stop Marquee on mouseover
  2. Start Marquee on mouseout

How to Change Marquee Direction

Direction attribute can change direction of marquee. We can change direction of marquee from left to right, right to left, top to bottom or bottom to top. Default direction of marquee is left.

How to Change Marquee direction?

Direction attribute in marquee can have four different values. Default value is left. Other values are right, top and bottom. See example

Marquee Direction Left

marquee with direction left

<marquee direction="left">marquee with direction left </marquee>

Marquee Direction Right

This marquee will scroll to right

<marquee direction="right"> This marquee will scroll right </marquee>

Marquee Direction Up

This marquee will scroll to upwards

<marquee direction="up" height="200"> This marquee will scroll upwards </marquee>

Marquee Direction Bottom

This marquee will scroll downwards

<marquee direction="down" height="200"> This marquee will scroll downwards </marquee>

How to Change Marquee Behavior

Marquee's behavior can be changed using behavior attribute. Three possible values for marquee behavior are:

  1. Scroll
  2. Slide
  3. Alternate

Marquee Scroll behavior

This is scroll behavior of marquee

<marquee behavior="scroll"> This is scroll behavior of a marquee </marquee>


Marquee Slide behavior

This is slide behavior of a marquee

<marquee behavior="slide"> This is slide behavior of a marquee </marquee>


Marquee Alternate behavior

This is alternate behavior of a marquee

<marquee behavior="alternate">This is alternate behavior of a marquee </marquee>


How to Change Marquee speed using Scrollamount

Scrollamount attribute is used to change speed of a marquee. Default Marquee speed is 6px per second. To increase or decrease speed of marquee, change value of scrollamount. Scrollamount value is a number.See example

How to Change Marquee Speed

This is a marquee with scrollamount 10 This is a marquee with scrollamount 25 This is a marquee with scrollamount 50 This is a marquee with scrollamount 100

<marquee scrollamount="10"> This is a marquee with scrollamount 10 </marquee>
<marquee scrollamount="25"> This is a marquee with scrollamount 25 </marquee>
<marquee scrollamount="50"> This is a marquee with scrollamount 50 </marquee>
<marquee scrollamount="100"> This is a marquee with scrollamount 100 </marquee>

How to delay Marquee using Scrolldelay

Marquee scrolldelay is delay interval between two frames. Scrolldelay works on Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, Safari. But on Chrome, scrolldelay is same like scrollamount.

Scrolldelay in marquee

This is a marquee with scrolldelay 10 This is a marquee with scrolldelay 25 This is a marquee with scrolldelay 50 This is a marquee with scrolldelay 100 This is a marquee with scrolldelay 200 This is a marquee with scrolldelay 300 This is a marquee with scrolldelay 500 This is a marquee with scrolldelay 1000

<marquee scrolldelay="10">This is a marquee with scrolldelay 10</marquee>
<marquee scrolldelay="25">This is a marquee with scrolldelay  25</marquee>
<marquee scrolldelay="50">This is a marquee with scrolldelay  50</marquee>
<marquee scrolldelay="100">This is a marquee with scrolldelay  100</marquee>
<marquee scrolldelay="200">This is a marquee with scrolldelay  200</marquee>
<marquee scrolldelay="300">This is a marquee with scrolldelay  300</marquee>
<marquee scrolldelay="500">This is a marquee with scrolldelay  500</marquee>
<marquee scrolldelay="1000">This is a marquee with scrolldelay  1000</marquee>

Marquee Events in javascript

Marquee Elements supports javascript mouseover and mouseout events to stop and start. These events are using JavaScript Inline events attribute onmouseover and onmouseout. See examples.

Stop Marquee on mouseover

We can stop marquee on mouseover using javascript mouseover event.

This marquee will stop on mouseover.

<marquee onmouseover="stop()">This marquee will stop on mouseover.</marquee>

Start Marquee on mouseout

We can also restart marquee on mouseout using Javascript mouseout event.

This marquee will stop on mouseover and restart on mouseout.

<marquee onmouseover="stop()" onmouseout="start()">This marquee will stop on mouseover and restart on mouseout.</marquee>

HTML Marquee is supported by all major browsers. In chrome, marquee scrollamount is not functional. Marquee was a part of HTML4/XHTML, but in HTML5 it is obsolete. Use css3 animations instead.