CSS3 Animations using @keyframes
Written By: Avinash Malhotra
Updated on
CSS Animations
CSS3 supports animations by using @keyframes at-rule. @keyframes rule is used to control steps of animation by defining from and to or percentage of frame in it. To call animation, animation property is used. Animation can be used on single or multiple elements with different duration, delay and timing-functions.
CSS Animation Example
animation:move 1s infinite;
@keyframes move{
0%{ transform:translateX(0)}
100%{ transform:translateX(100%)}
@keyframes rule is used to define steps of animation in declaration block, i.e {}. First define name of @keyframe rule and then define steps in declaration block.
Steps in animation can be set using from and to. To defined multiple steps, we can also use offset values starting from 0% (from) to 100%(to). Intermediate values can be 50%, 25% or so on in sequence.
@keyframes using from and to
@keyframes move{
from{ transform:translateX(0); }
to{ transform:translateX(100%)}
@-webkit-keyframes move{
from{ transform:translateX(0) }
@keyframes using offset in percentage
@keyframes move{
0%{ transform:translateX(0) }
50%{ transform:translateX(50%)}
100%{ transform:translateX(100%)}
Animations Properties
Animation property is a shortcut of following properties. The recommended way to use animations is animation property.
Animation Properties | Value |
animation-name | name of animation |
animation-duration | duration of animation ( in s or ms) |
animation-delay | delay before playing animation ( in s or ms) |
animation-iteration-count | count of animations, could be any number or infinite |
animation-timing-function | linear, ease, ease-in, ease-out, easy-in-out or cubic-bezier |
animation-fill-mode: | forwards, backwards, both |
animation-direction | initial or alternate |
animation-play-state | running or paused |
How to use animation properties
@keyframes move{
0%{ margin-left:0px; }
50%{ margin-left:100px;}
100%{ margin-left:200px;}
Animation properties shortcut
animation:move 1s;
@keyframes move{
0%{ margin-left:0px; }
50%{ margin-left:100px;}
100%{ margin-left:200px;}
Animation with alternate direction
Animation direction alternate is used to repeat animation from start to end and then end to start. For exp, Pendulum
animation:move 1s linear infinite alternate;
@keyframes move{
0%{ transform:translateX(0) }
100%{ transform:translateX(100%)}
CSS3 Pendulum
animation: pend 1s infinite alternate ease-in-out;
transform-origin: center top;
@keyframes pend{
0%{ transform: rotate(-30deg)}
100%{transform: rotate(30deg)}
For Old Firefox, use -webkit-, for chrome and safari, use -webkit- and for Internet explorer IE 8 and below, use jquery animations.