Written By: Avinash Malhotra
Updated on
@font-face rule
CSS3 includes @font-face rule to embedded fonts in css. But till CSS2, only Web Safe fonts were used. Embedded fonts supports five extensions, woff, woff2, otf/ttf, eot and svg. In the next example, see how to add font in html page using @font-face rule.
How to add font in html page
src:url('../fonts/helvetica-neue.woff') format('woff');
font-family:'helvetica-neue', sans-serif;
Create a folder namedfonts
in root directory, and add helvetica-neue font
with woff extension.
Web Fonts Extensions
Web supports five fonts extensions, woff, woff2, ttf/otf, eot and svg. Here is a comparison of web fonts.
Extension | Full Form | Browser Support |
woff | Web Open Font Format | All browsers except IE8 |
woff2 | Web Open Font Format Version 2 (30% lighter than woff) | Only Chrome 40+, Chrome (Android) 46+, Firefox 40+, Opera 32+, |
otf / ttf | Other Type Fonts and True Type Font | All browsers except IE8 |
EOT | Embedded OpenType | Only IE 8 to 11 |
SVG | Scalable Vector Graphics | Only for Safari (MacOS) 8+, Safari (IOS) 8.4+ |
Multiple Fonts extensions in font face
Some time a particular OS doesn't understand a font extension and discard that font. To avoid this, use Multiple Fonts extension in font face rule.
Always prefer lighter fonts first to improve page-speed. In example below, woff2 is lighter than woff, which is lighter than ttf.
src:url('../fonts/helvetica-neue.woff2') format('woff2'),
url('../fonts/helvetica-neue.woff') format('woff'),
url('../fonts/helvetica-neue.ttf') format('ttf'),
url('../fonts/helvetica-neue.otf') format('otf'),
url('../fonts/helvetica-neue.svg') format('svg');
font-family:'helvetica-neue', sans-serif;
Use Multiple Font Weights in
To add multiple fonts with variable weights, we should use following steps.
src:url('../fonts/helvetica-neue-regular.woff2'), url('../fonts/helvetica-neue-regular.woff');
src:url('../fonts/helvetica-neue-bold.woff2'), url('../fonts/helvetica-neue-bold.woff');
src:url('../fonts/helvetica-neue-thin.woff2'), url('../fonts/helvetica-neue-thin.woff');
font-family:'helvetica-neue', sans-serif;
@font-face rule works on IE 9 and above browsers only. Use font replacement for embedded font.
@import using Google Fonts
To embedded fonts from cdns, like google fonts, we can use @import rule. Google Fonts includes 1400+ free fonts with variable weights.
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Roboto&display=swap')
font-family:'Roboto', sans-serif;
@import rule should be used at the top of style tag or .css file.