In this article, we will learn how to create a new project in angular using angular cli. Angular Cli comes with all build-in commands to create angular project, install dependencies, run angular and to test angular application.

Make sure you have installed Angular Cli first to create project. if not, install angular cli using Node JS as described in my previous article on Angular Installation.

How to Create new Project in Angular?

Here is the step by step guide to create new project in Angular. All you have to do is to open terminal and type following command. We can also use VS Code terminal.

  1. Create Project folder

    mkdir ang
  2. Change directory

    cd ang
  3. Create angular project

    ng new ngApp
  4. navigate to ngApp

    cd ngApp
  5. run angular project

    ng serve

The Angular Project should not contain white space or test keyword. I am using ngApp as project name for reference.

After this, open your web browser and type http://localhost:4200. We will see a welcome page.


Understanding Angular directory structure

The angular project contains so many pre defined directories and files.

Angular Directory Structure

        {} angular.json
        {} package-lock.json
        {} package.json
        TS tsconfig.json
        {} tsconfig.spec.json

APP is the name of parent directory on our desktop. Remaining all things are build by Angular CLI. We have to focus on src folder in ngApp. Our main application is inside src folder. src folder is the source code of project and it includes components, index.html file, stylesheets etc.

Root Folder Content

File/FolderWhats inside
e2eend to end testing
node_modulesfolder for node dependencies
srcfolder for project source code
.angularwebpack and babel
package.jsonnode dependencies configuration file
angular.jsonangular configuration file

src folder

Our source code in kept inside src folder. src folder also contain some pre defined files and folders. Lets understand the src folder and its content.

File/FolderWhats inside
srcsource code for angular project
appsource code for angular project having component.
assetsfolder for images, css, js (frontend js) files
index.htmlhtml page for Single Page Application
main.tsCode to start application
styles.cssglobal css
favicon.icofavicon or application icon

Modify Project

Next we will edit our project. Remember, our project source code is in src folder.

navigate to APP/ngApp/src/app/app.component.html file in VS Code and follow following steps.

  1. remove all the content from app.component.html
  2. add <h1> {{title}} </h1> in html
  3. add <p> Welcome to my app </p> in html
  4. open style.css in src folder and add css.
  5. save files and check in browser.


Welcome to my app

The title in h1 is already defined in AppComponent Class of app.component.ts. The default title is always the name of app. We can change the title in AppComponent Class of app.component.ts for testing. Also add one or more property like author in AppComponent Class and then print in html template by using {{author}}.

When we will save our project, Angular cli will compile our code and update on browser making our production environment highly efficient.

Update CSS

to update css in angular, we can change global css style.css in src. Remember, the style.css in src folder is global css for whole application. We can use it as common css of whole project.

Component CSS

For css changes in particular component only, use app.component.css. This will change css of that component only.

      /* style.css */
  box-sizing: border-box;
  font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol";