Core Node JS
Written By: Avinash Malhotra
Updated on
In this article, we will discuss the core nodejs components available in global or current module. How to get file and directory name in node js. Node JS console object and its use.
console object is a global object available in Node JS and Frontend JS. In frontend, console object is used to print data in browser's console window and to debug JS in browser.
console.log method is used to log output in console.
Hello Node
console.log("Hello Node");
2 3
var x=2, y=3;
console.error method is used to print error messages in console.
error found
console.error("error found");
Error: error found
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/avinash/Desktop/node/src/test.js:26:15)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1063:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1092:10)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:928:32)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:769:14)
at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:72:12)
at internal/main/run_main_module.js:17:47
String Substitution
To substitute strings in console, use %s.
hi avi, how are you?
var x=2, y=3;
console.log("hi %s, how are you?","avi");
Numbers Substitution
To substitute numbers in console, use %d.
x is 2 and y is 3.
console.log("x is %d and y is %d.",2,3);
Style console output
To add style to console, use %c and add css properties in second argument.
This is red
console.log("This is %cred","color:red");
This is highligted text
console.log("This is %chighligted text","background:yellow");
To get file name in node js, we use __filename variable. This variable is available in all files we are working.
Get filename in MacOS
Get filename in Window OS
To get directory name in node js, we use __dirname variable. This variable is also available in all directories we are working.
Get directory name in MacOS
Get directory name in Window OS
process or global.process object is a core module in node js that provide information and control over current nodejs process.
process is always there in nodejs without using require().
Node JS global object is same like window object in frontend js. Some popular global properties are console, setTimeout, setInterval etc.
console.log( console===global.console)// true
console.log( setTimeout===global.setTimeout)// true
console.log( setInterval===global.setInterval)// true
console.log( process===global.process)// true
Add property to global
We can also add properties and methods to global object to make it available everywhere in our node application."avi";
global using other file
/* global.js */"avi";;
/* app.js */
console.log( ) // avi
console.log( ) // 212
In Node JS, use of global is same like window in frontend js.