What is echo command

echo - command used to display a line of text, message on screen and value of variables.


echo [option] [string… variables….]


echo Hello..!!!!
echo “Hello Programmers…”     	//use quotations for string with blank spaces 


Echo Command
		Figure 1

echo $SHELL	//will print the value of environment variable ‘SHELL’ i.e default shell of user
echo “Default shell of user is $SHELL”


Echo Command
		Figure 2

echo “Default shell of user is” $SHELL

By default, echo displays text/string and places a newline character at the end of it.

Options under Echo Command


Avoids the trailing newline character

echo –n  Hello

Echo Command with -n
		Figure 3


Enables interpretation of backslash escaped sequences (like \n \t) in the string

echo –e “Hello\tProgrammers”

Echo Command with -e
		Figure 4



Disables interpretation of backslash escaped sequences in the string

echo –E “Hello\tProgrammers”

Echo Command with -E
		Figure 5



Echo Command with \\
		Figure 6

Here \\ has further escaped the special meaning of \n sequence



Echo Command with \b
		Figure 7

Here 3 backspaces have been introduced.


Produce no further output

Echo Command with \c
		Figure 8

The further output Programmers and trailing newline has not been produced in above example


New line

Echo Command with \n
		Figure 9


Horizontal tab

Echo Command with \t
		Figure 10


Vertical tab

Echo Command with \v
		Figure 11