AngularJS Directives
Site By:- Tech AltumWhat is Directives in AngularJS
Directives in angularJS extends HTML code to provide new behaviour. They are basically custom attributes in html by Angular JS. All directives starts with ng-
or data-ng
followed by directive name.
There are so may pre-defined directives available in angularJS and we can also create custom directives. In this article we will discuss only predefined directives and there uses.
Angular JS Directive Example
<body ng-app="">
Angular JS Directive with data attribute
<body data-ng-app="">
Always prefer data-ng
directives as they validate HTML page on W3C validation. Using ng-
can result in lot of W3C errors.
In angularJS we use ng keyword which means angular.
List of Directives in AngularJS
Hera is list of directives in Angular JS