
expr command is used to perform shell arithmetic and evaluate expressions


expr expression

  • Variables defined in Linux bash shell stores values in the form of string.
  • Integers are also stored as strings
  • So to perform arithmetic operation on such variables ‘expr’ command is used.

Examples:- 	a=7
			expr $a + $b      		 // output: 17
			c=`expr $a – 4`  		//result 3 is stored in variable ‘c’
			echo `expr $b % $a`	//remainder 3 is printed


Note: Notice space on either side of the ‘+’ operator .

  • To access the value of value of ‘a’ and ‘b’ variable use ‘$’ symbol as prefix to variables.
  • Use back tick ( ` ) for command substitution i.e using one command in the other. (Back tick is found above the tab key on your PC keyboard)
expr in shell arithmetic
		Figure 1

  • Supported arithmetic operators are +, - , * , /, %
  • The operator ‘*’ must be preceded by a ‘\’backslash character else it will be considered as a wildcard character.
    expr $a \* $b
  • Using brackets ( ) in expr command gives an error.

Alternative Way of arithmetic expression

  • Another way to calculate the arithmetic expression is to enclose the expression in $((…))
  • This way of evaluation let us make use of brackets as in normal mathematics.

			c=`expr $a + $((b*b*b))`



  • Here there is no space on either side of the operator
  • To access the value of variables no need of using ‘$’ sign separately again and again for each variable
  • ‘*’ operator does not need to be preceded with backslash
  • Double brackets preceded with ‘$’ symbol are must i.e $((…)) .