JavaScript Quiz

<script> var str1 = "Tech"; var str2 = "Altum";var result = str2.concat(" ", str1); alert(result) </script>

what would be the output of this JavaScript code?


<script> var num=[5,6,7,8,9]; num.unshift(5); alert(num); </script>

what would be the output of this JavaScript code?


<script> var x="tech altum"; var result=x.charCodeAt(0); alert(result); </script>

what would be the output of this JavaScript code?


<script> var name = ['isha', 'avinash', 'neha', 'pooja'];alert(name.toString()); </script>

what would be the output of this JavaScript code?


<script> var x='4'+3+4; alert(x); </script>

what would be the output of this JavaScript code?
