In the earlier example we calculated the hra and gross salary.
Suppose there is a policy of company that if salary is greater than 10000 then hra will be 5% of salary but if salary is less than 10000 then hra will be 10%
In this situation we will use if-else statement.
if (condition)
Logic when condition true
Logic when condition false
Now implement this example
echo " The Gross Salary is $gross_sal";
In this example we take salary is 12000. Which is greater than 10000. Then it will go in if block and calculate the hra 5%.
The output of this code as follows:-
Figure 1
Now move to the else-if condition.
Now take the same example in another way. If salary is greater than 10000 then hra will be 5% and if less than hra will be 10%. But if salary is 10000 then hra will be 8%.
Now implement this example:-
else if($sal>10000)
echo " The Gross Salary is $gross_sal";
The output of this code as follows:-
Figure 2